Korean Speaking Competition in France, 'I learned korean through K-Pop'

"After learning Korean, my way of thinking changed to a more positive and happy one. Korean people tend to talk and think in a positive way. I feel that this way of thinking came from their culture. Maybe this was King Sejong's way of thinking?"

On July 7 in Paris, France, a Korean speaking competition was held. The winner of the competition, Jessica Gimeng, presented the statement above.

With the theme, "My Korea, My Korean", this competition lasted 4 hours. In June, they chose the finalists, with 8 from the beginner group, 9 from the intermediate group and so on for a total of 17 contestants.

This competition was held in front of over a 100 french people. Although their accents were still there, they showed off their Korean skills to the best of their ability. 

First place winner from the beginner group, Florence Payombo stated, "In order to learn Korean, I would talk to my mom and sisters in korean at home. I know that usually when a Korean person tells you that your korean is good, you have to say 'No I'm not' to be humble, but for me, I will say, 'Yes I know I am good.'"

First place winner from the intermediate group, Michael Subanarte commented, "I learned korean through K-Pop. To some people, it may look like I am wasting my time, but to me, being able to learn and speak Korean is what makes me happy."

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Korean Competition
