G.NA Honestly Opens Up, "My Ex-Boyfriend Cheated on Me With My Friend"

Singer G.NA honestly opened up about her history with men.

On July 12 on SBS MTV "Studio C," G.NA and Spica member Yang Ji Won made their guest appearances on the show.

On this day, the girls were talking about the topic of 'Bad Boys'. While on this topic, G.NA opened up, "In the past, my boyfriend cheated on me with a friend. However, because I had so much pride, I didn't cling on to him and let him go."

To her confession, the MCs of the show commented, "It's good that you broke up with someone like that."

Also, when asked the question, "How did you feel when the other members of 'Five Girls' first made their debut?" to which G.NA honestly answered, "I was honest and I was sad at the thought of 'It would be nice if we can all debut together'."

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