Calum Hood Twitter Confession: Nude Video Is Me. Does 5sos Bassist Risk Angering Teen Fans' Parents?

Five Seconds Of Summer fans have been buzzing all over the internet since a full-frontal nude video surfaced, purportedly of the group's bassist Calum Hood. Hood has now admitted on Twitter to being the video's subject, even making a joke about the situation. The teen star seems unbothered by the publicity this situation has generated, but could it all backfire? 5sos does, after all, target a teenage demographic, and parents don't always look to kindly upon this kind of scandal. 

The story first broke when the video in question was posted to Vine by a fan stating that had been sent to her by the bassist, via Snapchat. The video, which does not show Hood's face, immediately went viral, with fans speculating over whether it was really him. The star confirmed the veracity of that claim on Thursday, when he tweeted, "Least ya know what it looks like now," adding that, "I'm still just a teenage kid learning from my mistakes :)." 

Hood's fans, for the most part, seem more than willing to forgive the teen idol. Two hashtags; #WeLoveYouCalum, and #WeDontCareCalumWeAreHereForYou, trended for hours following his confession. We have yet to see if their parents will be so lenient. Pop stars with young fan bases often face the largest backlash when they engage in less than wholesome behavior. Miley Cyrus, for instance faced a boycott earlier this year, with angry parents in the US and Canada attempting to get her current 'Bangerz' tour cancelled. That campaign was unsuccessful, but the singer was recently banned from performing in the Dominican Republic due to the sexually explicit nature of her show. Justin Bieber's  ticket sales have been declining for years as a result of his highly controversial offstage behavior. Will Hood's behavior seriously impact his boy band's success? Or will his youthful indiscretion blow over as quickly as the story erupted? We'll just have to wait and see. 

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