T-ARA Backs Up Hyorin's Informal Speech, "Don't Blow this Out of Proportion"

T-ARA members defend SISTAR Hyorin's informal speech towards them.

On July 14 broadcast of KBS' "Entertainment Relay," guest stars SISTAR and T-ARA ran into a little dilemma when SISTAR member Hyorin spoke informally to the members of T-ARA.

The informal speech of SISTAR's Hyorin came across as impolite creating a controversy amongst viewers.

To clarify Hyorin's informal speech to them, T-ARA explained, "SISTAR members and our members see each other a lot when we perform; we're close. We hope that when this episode is broadcasted, it's not magnified as a big deal."

T-ARA continued to explain how they became fans of SISTAR for always doing their best on stage. They then began to send their love, support, and cheer for Hyorin and the rest of SISTAR.

T-ARA conclusively stated that they hope that both they and SISTAR could work hard to see each other continually improve and succeed.

Photo Credit: KBS

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