Solbi Shares Her Dating Tips, "Save Dates For The Evening Only"

On the July 17 broadcast of SBS "Strong Heart," Solbi shared, "If a guy wants to do lunch, I don't meet him," making everyone curious. 

Actress Lee Chung Ah, who was sitting nearby, commented, "Whenever I go on dates with guys, I meet them in the mornings. I'm a morning person, so meeting for dinner is kind of overwhelming. I like doing breakfast and lunch."

Furthermore, Lee Chung Ah added, "I do realize that a girl and guy need to meet in the evening to set the mood. I think that's the reason that made it hard for me to date."

As soon as Solbi heared Lee Chung Ah's comment, she said, "If a guy texts me and says, 'Let's meet during the day,' I text him back saying, 'Why are you being ill-mannered and asking me to meet for lunch.'" She continued, "For a girl, lighting's everything. Lighting determines how you look. That's why I always go on dates in the evening."

Photo Credit: SBS

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