Chris Brown Billboard Interview: 'Loyal' Singer Talks Ex Girlfriend Rihanna, Calls Himself A Role Model, Didn't Write Music In Jail

Chris Brown just gave an interview to Billboard Magazine that is sure to have a lot of people talking. The controversial singer touched on a range of issues including his history of violence, the time he spent in jail recently, and his role as a public figure. As is often the case, the star made pretty eyebrow raising statements.

Of course, no publication could interview Brown without discussion his infamous 2009 assault on ex-girlfriend Rihanna, which left the pop star badly battered and fighting for her life in the hospital. In a seemingly soft-ball fashion, interviewer Gail Mitchell pointed out that Rihanna has said she has moved on from the incident and asked, “Do you see a day when your relationship won’t be brought up at all?” to which Brown responded, “When we’re not relevant anymore.” Sounding less than remorseful, the singer went on to say, “As long as you’re doing something good, people will always bring up old stuff or negative stuff because they don’t want to see you surpass a certain level or elevate.” He also said that “I don’t really focus on extras or stories in the tabloids. It’s all nonsense.”

When asked he considers himself a role model, Brown, in a move some might find shocking, answered yes. The singer explained, “As far as my mistakes in life, that’s being a role model, because people can see my mistakes and learn from them.” The singer went on to say, “If kids look up to me, that’s amazing; great. As far as me being an artist and a person, I always want to exude positivity.”

Brown also discussed his experience serving time for a parole violation, after he assaulted a stranger in October of last year. Mitchell asked if he wrote music in jail, to which the singer responded, “No. You know, jail isn’t really a place of many creative spirits…As far as my creativity, I put it on hold until I got out.” He added that day-to-day life in lock up is very structured, where as he’s “more of a free spirit when it comes to creating music, painting and art.” 

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Chris Brown
