Miley Cyrus Instagram & Twitter: ‘Wrecking Ball’ Embarrassment? Liam Hemsworth’s Break Up Posts New Picture [RUMORS]

Miley Cyrus posted photos of herself on Instagram and Twitter wearing outfits similar to one she was spotted wearing at the NYFW Afterparty-the "Wrecking Ball" star was wearing pasties at the event.

She is also allegedly still in love with ex-boyfriend Liam Hemsworth, CBS News reports, leaving many fans wondering if her recent Instagram and Twitter posts reflect those emotions.

"I think I'm speaking to women and it's not because I went through a breakup -- I love Liam and Liam loves me but it's about finding yourself and sometimes you have to separate yourself from everyone," Miley Cyrus told Australia's Sunday Night, according to the site.

She posted several pictures of herself with homeless Oregon resident Jesse Helt, who accepted her award at the VMA 2014 ceremony, leaving many fans wondering if she would consider making him her boyfriend.

Two weeks ago she posted a picture of her new pet piglet "Bubba Sue" on her Twitter and Instagram pages--some of her followers were left wondering if she was lonely and decided to get her new companion.

The FCC is investigating the Bangerz Tour special that was aired on NBC earlier this summer after viewers complained about Miley Cyrus' "unusual" behavior.

Dancing in "stripper costumes" and "rolling around in bed with half naked men and women" were among the most frequent complaints, Sugar Scape reports.

Miley Cyrus posted a racy photo of herself nude on Twitter and Instagram, where she flaunts her thin figure, finally putting an end to rumors that she is pregnant.

She is allegedly back in the recording studio to work on new tracks, Perez Hilton reports, sparking rumors among her Twitter and Instagram fans that one of her songs may be about her handling of rumors she was pregnant following her break up with Liam Hemsworth.

"On my last record, everything we did was with computers. But they're real musicians - they can change keys on a whim," she said, according to the site.

"I've never seen anything like it. They've had me on this journey that's greater than anything I've been on. It's really deep."

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