Mass. Governor Patrick Got "Quite Drunk" After Boston Tsarnaev Capture, Left Without Paying Bill

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick admitted he got "quite drunk" the night after suspected Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured-and Patrick walked out of the bar without paying his bill.

At the end of the dramatic manhunt, most of the world was stressed-and Patrick dealt with it by reaching for the bottle and getting drunk.

Patrick opened up to employees at a Cambridge marketing firm, Hubspot. He said he was relieved to finally be able to let the city off lockdown, not just that Tsarnaev was captured.

"The reason why it worked out in the end is because we found him. If we didn't find him then people would be bitching and moaning about how we kept them indoors all day," Patrick said.

Residents of Boston and surrounding areas were kept indoors for over 16 hours as authorities were on a manhunt for Tsarnaev. Patrick told the group that he got pressure to remove the lockdown even from the White House.

Patrick said President Barack Obama told him on the phone, "'What are you going to do about the city? You can't keep it locked down indefinitely',"

The lockdown was ended Friday evening, and Tsarnaev was found that night when a resident-- who could now leave the house-- spotted blood in his backyard and found Tsarnaev hunkered down in his boat.

Governor Patrick went to his home in the Berkshires the next day and went to a restaurant alone with a book. The proprietor asked if he wanted to be near people or away from them.

"As far away as I can," he told her.

She put him in a quiet corner with his book, but waitresses started bringing him drinks to celebrate the capture. "And by the end of the meal, I was actually quite drunk, by myself."

He let without paying the bill.

"I realized I had no money with me. So I called her over, and I said to Maggie: 'I really appreciate it. I'm very relaxed.' And I also have no money. Can I bring it down tomorrow or something?' "

He later paid his tab, according to the restaurnt's co-owner, Maggie Merelle. She claims that  "He wasn't tipsy. I never would have known," and that he only had "glass of chardonnay or two".

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