IRS ‘Star Trek’ Parody Training Video Part Of Lavish $4.1 Million Conference [VIDEO]

"What were you thinking?" House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., asked IRS commissioner Faris Fink, who played Spock in a "Star Trek" parody produced as a training video at a 2010 IRS conference in California.

The conference is being accused by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for grossly misusing taxpayer money, Yahoo! News reports. The conference cost the IRS at least $4.1 million, including luxury hotel rooms, expensive training videos and outside speakers on topics such as leadership through painting.

Fink replied to chairman Issa's questions, saying the video was "an attempt, in a well-intentioned way, to use humor to open the conference."

"The fact of the matter is that they're embarrassing ... they're embarrassing and I regret the fact that they were made," he said.

Fink also stressed that no rules were broken and no fraud occurred, reports.

"In hindsight, many of the expenses that were incurred at the 2010 conference should be been more closely scrutinized or not incurred at all," Fink added.

Speaking under oath, Fink told the congressional hearing that federal regulations that have since been established would prevent such a video and conference from occurring today. He said planners "followed IRS and government procedures that were in place at the time."

However, Fink warned that the IRS did not keep full records California conference and that the overall cost could be as high as $5 million.

This scandal in the wake of the 2010 conference is just another incident to befall the public image of the IRS. Last month, it was revealed that a field office in Ohio was targeting conservative groups for intense scrutiny when reviewing applications for tax-exempt status, Yahoo! News reports.

Watch the IRS "Star Trek" parody video here:

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