Hot Sauce Prank Hospitalizes 3 Workers With Wheezing And Skin Rash, Student Faces Misdemeanor Battery Charges [VIDEO]

A 15-year-old Chicago high school student faces battery charges after reportedly replacing the cafeteria's marinara sauce with a brand of hot sauce called Da Bomb, sending three staff workers to the hospital.

"Several staff and students reported reactions to the sauce, including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and skin rashes," stated Highland Park High School spokeswoman Natalie Kaplan.

"The impacted staff members were taken to the hospital but no serious injuries were reported."

On May 14, the alleged male student managed to get inside a container of marinara sauce during first lunch period, which wasn't noticed until a student ingested the substance.

"A student then went through the food line and purchased spaghetti with marinara sauce, and after sitting down and taking his first bite, found it intolerably hot and went back to the food line to advise staff," stated Highland Park Police Deputy Chief George Pfutzenreuter. "[The] staff pulled the sauce from the line and, in evaluating the sauce, some of the staff members also started feeling effects."

"I don't think you can find this one in the store. It sounds like this kid had to get it some place special."

According to Da Bomb's website, its hottest hot sauce called Da Bomb Final Answer (measured at 1.5 million Scoville units) is equal to police-grade pepper spray.

Since the incident, district officials have decided to purchase security cameras for the cafeteria, reports FOX News.

"We decided, based upon that incident, that we'll go ahead and install cameras in the cafeteria where the incident occurred."

The yet to be named student is set to face juvenile court this week on five counts of misdemeanor battery charges.

Check out a Youtube video of a citizen trying Da Domb Final Answer below:

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