McDonald's Again Contradicting Its "Lighter Fare" Campaign By Adding Greasy Breakfast Late Night Menu[VIDEO]

McDonald's will be soon be offering a late night menu consisting of breakfast items. McDonald's late night menu will include the sausage burrito, Egg White Delight McMuffin, oatmeal and hot cakes with sausage. McDonald's new late night breakfast menu is just another way for the hungry, fat people to indulge themselves further into the wee hours.

From midnight to 4 a.m., at 24 hour McDonald's locations McDonalds will expand their fatty breakfast menu to late night customers. The late night breakfast menu is already available in northern Delaware and College Station, Texas.

CEO Don Thompson told CNBC that the company was looking to expand its breakfast hours with a late night menu after customers demanded that the McMuffins and biscuits be available later in the day.

"Our customers want convenience around the clock, and we're making it easier to eat at McDonald's with more 24-hour restaurants open than ever before," McDonald's said in a statement.

Desserts and McCafe beverages are also in the mix just adding extra baggage to the already obese clientele that McDonald's caters to.

The 1,140 calorie fries dish is  McDonald's most caloric item even on their menu, and are pretty pricey. The mega popato fries will set you back 490 yen, about $5. The new fries are inconsisent with McDonald's recent healthier image. 

McDonald's box of mega fries is not only double the size of a normal large order of fries at the restaurant, but it contains more than half the recommended daily amount of calories. In addition to the 1,140 calories the fries provide, there I also 57 grams of fat and almost 800 milligrams of sodium in the mega fry McDonald's dish.

McDonald's has been making lots of changes recently with its mega fires and new quarter pound burgers.

The Mega Potato fries are a limited-time offering at the fast-food restaurant, like the on-again, off-again McRib sometimes found at McDonald's in the U.S.

McDonald's insists the carton is perfect for sharing. The promotional photo of the beast shows four different hands digging in.

The dish is almost triple the amount of calories of any of McDonald's fattiest items. A Large French Fries contain 460 calories, a Big Mac 540, and even a double quarter pounder with cheese contains 740 calories. The whopping 1,400 calories box of fries is considered absurd by any standards.

Health activists are begging McDonald's not to acquire the mega calorie dish in the US menu.  If the fries are a big hit in Japan, where they are currently offered, it is highly likely that they will be added to the domestic menu.

Although it's for "sharing" Americans dining alone will not be able to resist the delicious dish and eat the whole thing solo. 

The mega fries craze and late night breakfast menu are contradictory to McDonald's new promos that the chain is trying to keep it light and go healthier. Recently advertising salads and lighter chicken wraps, the new fries and breakfast at night seem inconsistent with McDonald's new image. Are they just promos to make you think you're eating healthy, but when you walk in the door the fanchise sneakily entices its consumers with 1,400 calorie snacks and pig and eggs all day?

In order to lighten up their menu McDonalds did attempt to add Egg McMuffins on whole grain brain and made with egg whites, and a chicken McWrap.  McDonalds calls these healthier choices "Subway Busters" because they deter people from going to their competitor, "Subway."

McDonald's just keeps traveling further from their promise to keep things light. Now it's in the customer's hands to not indulge all day at McDonald's. Let's see if they can resist the temptation of breakfast all day. 

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