Nickelodeon Star Cody Longo Arrested For Drunk Driving: Busted For Driving Like A Total Jerk, Reeks Of Booze, Gets DUI

A Nickelodeon star has been arrested for drunk driving. Cody Longo, who plays Eddie Duran on the Nickelodeon show "Hollywood Heights", got a DUI this week in Los Angeles.

Police say Longo was being aggressive, tailgaiting someone, and flashing his lights at other drivers. That's annoying and dangerous enough while sober....but Longo was drunk.

Around 2:30 AM Thursday morning, police spotted Cody Longo driving like a total jerk. They say he was driving aggressively.

They pulled the Nickelodeon star over and found that he reeked of booze. They had him perform some field sobriety tests...and he failed them all miserably.

Apparently, Longo's blood alcohol level was .19 and .20 - which is, oh, more than twice the legal limit. No big deal.

He was, of course, hauled off to jail, where he was booked and then released after posting $15,000 bail.

Tip to Cody? First and foremost, don't drunk drive. Second, don't attract police attention while drunk driving. Third, don't be an agressive jerk AND drunk drive AND attract police attention.

Longo, 25, is a Nickeodeon star who's also appeared in "Days of Our Lives" and "Piranha 3D".

His rep said sorry, of course. "This was an unfortunate misunderstanding. Cody takes it very seriously as his focus is music and acting."

We're not sure where the misunderstanding was-after all, he knew he was drinking, he knew he got behind the wheel, and he knew he drove like a jerk...then cops saw and/or proved all of it via a BAC test. But sure, OK. Misunderstanding.

Ironically enough, Longo retweeted this on Friday afternoon:

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