Richard Ramirez, Serial Killer Known As “Night Stalker,” Died From Hepatitis C, Not Natural Causes, California Prison Official Says

Richard Ramirez, the California serial killer known as the "Night Stalker," died on Friday morning, but a San Quentin State Prison official says he passed from Hepatitis C, not from natural causes, as the jail's spokesperson officially announced, according to TMZ.

San Quentin spokesman Lt. Sam Robinson said 53-year-old Richard Ramirez "passed away this morning" without releasing any other information, according to the Associated Press.

The serial killer was taken from death row to Marin general Hospital, the Associated Press also reports.

The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which works closely with San Quentin State Prison, then told the Associated Press that Richard Ramirez died of "natural causes."

But a San Quentin official told TMZ that Richard Ramirez died from Hepatitis C, which medical experts say can be transmitted through sexual contact - something the murderer did a lot of.  

Hepatitis C can also be contracted through drug use and blood transfusions.

Is it possible that Richard Ramirez died of Hepatitis C and didn't know that he had contracted it since his 1989 death sentence?

Richard Ramirez, who also known as a satanic worshipper, was convicted of 13 murders that occurred from 1984 to 1985, ultimately leading to his death sentence.

His month-long rampage assaults included the killing of a 29-year-old man, whose girlfriend was raped while he was murdered, the murder of a married couple and a nine-year-old girl.

In 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review the convictions and sentence of Richard Ramirez after multiple appeals, the Associated Press reports.

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