Brad Pitt 'World War Z' Reviews: Early Reviews Say Delayed Zombie Movie ‘Shows Signs Of Life’

Brad Pitt’s zombie movie, “World War Z,” has been surrounded by rumors and speculations after its release was pushed from winter to this summer by Paramount Pictures to allow for rewrites and a reshoot of its final act.

According to Oliver Gettell of the LA Times, such drastic changes so late in the film rarely bode well for its success. Early reviews suggest, however, that “World War Z” is showing signs of life, after all, writes Gettell.

Variety’s Scott Foundas said in his review that “World War Z”, “emerges as a surprisingly smart, gripping and imaginative addition to the zombie-movie canon.”

"Showing few visible signs of the massive rewrites, reshoots and other post-production patchwork that delayed its release from December 2012,” Foundas said, ”this sleekly crafted, often nail-biting tale of global zombiepocalypse clicks on both visceral and emotional levels, resulting in an unusually serious-minded summer entertainment."

The Variety writer adds that director Marc Foster “handles the large-scale action here with considerable aplomb and much striking imagery.”

He says of Brad Pitt, who plays as a former United Nations troubleshooter, is “a refreshingly human-scaled movie hero, with no outsized strength, agility, or superpowers to help him win the day.”

Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter, on the other hand, says that “World War Z” “is an immersive apocalyptic spectacle that tosses the viewer into the deep end of a global zombie uprising and doesn’t let up until close to the end.”

McCarthy, however, said that the action comes at a narrative expense, with the film resembling “a bunch of impressive set pieces stitched together rather than a good story convincingly told.”

Readers of the original book by Max Brooks (Mel Brook’s son), “will find much to be disappointed in” according to McCarthy. Since the novel’s multicharatcer oral-history has been “implausibly but understandably” reduced to a one-man show in which Pitt races to save mankind.

The accolades, however, were far from unanimous.

As Empire’s Nick de Semleyn writes, “World War Z” is “slick, tense and hangs together fine, far from the disaster many predicted during its tortured birthing. But it's also just a little bit bland and generic. In particular, horror fans jonesing for grand-scale carnage are unlikely to come away entirely satisfied."

He noted, however, that the “opening salvo is terrific,” “the effects are handled well,” and on the whole it “just about succeeds on its own merits.”

The film held special screenings throughout the country Thursday, where the lead actor and co-producer, Brad Pitt surprised the audience in a four-city one-day tour.

“World War Z” will be released nationwide on June 21.

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