Moms Brawl At Kid’s Talent Show, One Banned From Daughter’s Graduation After Knocking Down 3-Year-Old Girl [VIDEO]

Two moms who started a brawl at an elementary school talent show in Florida have been banned from returning, forcing one of them to miss her daughter's fifth-grade graduation ceremony after she knocked down a three-year-old girl.

Watch the video of the fight here:

The brawl started when Latisha James, the mother of the fifth grader, approached the Lakeview Elementary School stage to take pictures of her daughter performing at the talent show and stood up.

Jessica Tyler, the second mother in the brawl, approached James and asked her to sit down because she as blocking the view of the stage, according to NewsMax.

After James refused to move, Tyler stepped in front of James to snap a photo and knocked over James' three-year-old daughter on accident.

That's when things took a turn for the worse.

"Once she knocked my baby over, I just snapped," James said, according to "And she did not say I'm sorry."

"I walked up to the lady. I asked her just to kneel down for a second just so I could get a picture of my niece and she turned around and said, 'No, I ain't (expletive) sitting down," Tyler said in the 911 call, according to

After the two exchanged words and began swearing at each other, James allegedly tried to choke Tyler.

James was later arrested on suspicion of battery, according to NewsMax.

Now, both moms are banned from returning to the school, forcing Tyler to miss her daughter's graduation ceremony in a few weeks.

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