Amanda Bynes Twitter Account Has One Key Theme: Being Ugly

Amanda Bynes’ bizarre behavior is now a consistent subject on entertainment news headlines and her Twitter account, the ultimate source for her next moves, but as Hollie McKay of Fox News writes, one key theme emerges from her digital rants.

That is “being ugly.”

McKay writes that a few years before she started what has now become an adult-version of the Amanda Show, Amanda Bynes walked out of a West Hollywood gym and stood for a moment at a mirror, fixated at her reflection donning a tiny crop top and super short shorts.

A gym-goer whispered to a friend, “That’s what she always wears.”

The attention she focused on that image of hers seems to be the beginning of what is now a media-frenzied obsession of the troubled actress: Her appearance and the appearance of others.

Her favorite word? Ugly, writes McKay in her reflection of Amanda Bynes' Twitter rants.

She has called writers, bloggers, editors and even fellow movie stars showing concern over her behavior “ugly.”

“F**k the ugly editors of Intouch! I’m not racist! My account was hacked,” she tweted Monday.

“Courtney Love is the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen,” in another tweet.

“My dad is as ugly as RuPaul! So thankful I look nothing nothing like you both! I had nose surgery after my mug shots so my nose and I are gorgeous!” in yet another tweet, causing the famous drag queen to send in a very classy yet stern response.

Adding to the list of ugly label recipients are Rihanna, Perez Hilton, Chrissy Teigen and Jenny McCarthy.

According to a source connected to Bynes, speaking with FOX411’s Pop Tart Column, “Amanda does have huge anger issues and is paranoid about a lot of things. She just doesn’t like herself.”

The source added, “It’s not that she is obsessed with her body and appearance, but she just doesn’t seem to have any self-value right now. Calling others ‘ugly’ is her go-to for cutting others down.”

The source’s comment was similar to RuPaul’s response to the former child star, tweeting (after Bynes posted the faggot comment).

“Derogatory slurs are ALWAYS an outward projection of a person’s own poisonous self-loathing.”

An addiction specialist, Dr. Damon Raskin, who spoke to McKay said that Amanda Bynes is “clearly showing signs of body dysmorphic disorder, and she urgently needs psychiatric evaluation.”

Raskin explained that, “although this could be a result of drug use, I am more inclined to see this as psychiatric disorder. 

“The pressure of being in the spotlight growing up could have sparked this incessant body image obsession, but more likely reflects an undiagnosed condition such as bipolar disorder.”

The ever-mounting attention given to Amanda Bynes could be making matters worse.

A report by Yahoo! shows that in the past 30 days, searches for Amanda Bynes have spiked 92 percent, while other associated terms – including mug shot, before and after – have leapt upwards of 17,000 percent, according to McKay.

Image-related terms including “Amanda bynes nose jobs” and “Amanda bynes pictures” are also on the rise.

The Fox News reporter notes that 67 percent of searches for the actress is coming from guys.

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