Two Year Old Titan, Titus, Takes on Legendary NBA All-Star on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' [VIDEO]

So easy a two year old can do it?

That’s the question that legendary basketball star Shaquille O’Neal may be asking himself after an appearance on the night time talk show “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on June 6. A free throw showdown between Shaq and a 2-year-old on the show is what has people buzzing.

A two year old by the name of Titus battled the 15 time NBA All-Star in a shoot off. The showdown gave each shooter 30 seconds to score as many baskets as they could. The two year old managed eight successful shots, while the O’Neal scored absolutely none.

Although Titus and O’Neal faced different obstacles, as the hoop was lower and closer to the toddler than what O’Neal faced, (the playing field was leveled with Titus shooting for a hoop that was at his height from a distance of six feet) some NBA fans were less than shocked by the poor performance by the 7 foot All-Star. Some comments left on the Daily News website included:

“Everyone knows Shaq can't shoot free throws. That's why he always got hacked! Should have brought in Ray Allen to make it a real competition.”

“This is not a shocker if you ever saw Shaq on the free throw line. “ One reader said.

Check out the two year titan Titus beat Shaq at his own game HERE

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