Jennifer Aniston Wedding Headache: Mom's Tell-All Book And Media Attention Keeps Her Off The Wedding List

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux's impending wedding has given the actress much to celebrate, but not with Aniston's mother Nancy Dow, as she is reportedly not invited to the wedding!

According to Marie Claire, the 44-year-old actress "is scared that her mom will talk to the media after the weeding and she doesn't want to deal with that headache."

"The strained relationship between the two is legit and Jen doesn't want people at the weeding that will take away from the big day," says a close source.

This will be the second time Dow has been disinvited from her daughter's wedding.

In 2000, Aniston allegedly told Dow not to attend her wedding to Brad Pitt after writing a tell-all book, "From Mother and Daughter to Friends: A Memoir," detailing intimate details of her daughter's life.

"The entire story is that of a desperate woman trying to understand why her famous daughter no longer desires a relationship with her...well, it is obvious!" writes an Amazon book reviewer.

With such a colorful and disruptive relationship between the two, people are definitely assuming Dow's off the list.

"A friend of Justin's said that it is going to happen [again] this summer," concluded Marianne Garvey on VH1's "The Gossip Table."

"They are having a small, intimate wedding, and a lot of people have been left off, but Nancy's name is the first."

According to Hollywood Life, that list allegedly includes the cast of "Friends," who do not want to take away from Aniston's day. This contradicts earlier reports from Matthew Perry that the actor is expected to attend wedding.

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