"Suicide Bridge" Barriers Pushed For After 17 Deaths In Portland, OR: Residents Speak Out

Residents of Portland, OR are pushing for barriers to a "suicide bridge", which has become the common site of tragedy.

The "suicide bridge" has majestic views of Portland-which authorities think  may be enticing  to jumpers.  The latest death there was a 15-year-old girl.

Residents of the area near the Vista Bridge are saddened, but not surprised, by the events. 17 people have died there in the last few years.  They're pushing for a change-but the city doesn't have funding to put up barriers...so the tragedy is continuing.

The bridge was used in the show Portlandia and is historically protected...adding to the tragedy.

A commenter online said, "The Vista bridge also has a reputation. A bad reputation. People are always jumping off of it! I guess I can understand why they'd pick that bridge. It goes over a road, as opposed to water, so you're pretty much guaranteed a killshot there. If the fall doesn't kill you (which it would), a car tearing around the eastbound curve immediately preceding the bridge will finish the job. Also, if you're going to go, the view off the Vista is a pretty great image to have as your last one."

Kenneth Kahn, an attorney with an office near the bridge, said he has discovered the remains of eight people over the years. "Just imagine the sound of a human being detonating," he said.

But the "suicide bridge" is historically protected, so the city will need $2.5 million to put an aesthetically pleasing barrier up-and they already face a $20 billion shortfall.

While the city doesn't have the funding to install barrier to deter jumpers, last fall signs with a suicide-prevention hotline number were put up on the "Suicide Bridge". Three callers have used the suicide-prevention hotline since then. However, just three suicides in the last six months have shown that signs are not enough.

Bonnie Kahn, the attorney's wife, recently  witnessed a 19-year-old jumper and said it seemed like a "spur-of-the-moment decision." "She had just painted her fingernails, " she said.

The newly engaged's fiancé visited the office unexpectedly and she showed him where the young woman had died. She said "the young man walked to the spot and sat. Then he rose and sprinted down the street."

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