More Information Emerges on Santa Monica Shooter

Officials have learned more about the young man whose violent spree that began at his father's home and ended a mile away in the library of Santa Monica College where students were studying for finals. John Zawahri's rampage on Friday afternoon in Santa Monica, CA led to the murder of five innocent victims.

Recently more details have developed about Zawahri and his family.

John was the son of Samir Zawahri, 55, and Randa Abdou, 54. Property records show Zawahri's parents purchased their home near the 10 freeway in 1996, according to the Associated Press. Zawahri's mother filed a petition asking for a restraining order against her husband in 1998 for domestic violence, according to The Los Angeles Daily News. The couple divorced in 2003. Reports indicate the parents split up custody of their two boys and that Abdou moved to an apartment not far from the family home.

 "It was not an easy breakup. It was a bitter divorce." A neighbor near the Zawahri home Thomas O'Rourke said.

The family was originally from Lebanon, and Zawahri's mother is currently on a one-month trip there according to The Daily News.

Reports indicate that at one point Zawahri was committed, though it's  unclear whether it was voluntary or involuntary. He was also enrolled in Santa Monica College in 2010, but few details are known about his time there.

A neighbor of his mother's described the shooter as "an angry, hostile person who was often be heard yelling through the thin walls of his mother's apartment."

The gunman had "a fascination with guns." A family friend said.

 "We were all worried about it.... Everyone is wondering where he got the money for the weapons." The source continued.

Zawahri was heavily armed when he left his father's home around noon on Friday. He was carrying an AR-15 style, pistols and clips on him. Police also say he may have had up to 1,300 rounds of ammunition in a gym bag  that he carried with him to Santa Monica College.

Police say that they have no doubt that this crime was "pre-meditated".

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