Syrian Conflict Update: U.S. Will Begin Arming Rebels As Syrian Troops Prepare For Aleppo Assault

Syrian troops are preparing for a major offensive on rebel-held parts of the northern city of Aleppo, but the United States will begin arming the rebels if the Syrian government continues advancing, BBC News reports after speaking to Washington officials.

The Syrian government's offensive will start "in the coming hours or days," a security source also told BBC News.

Aleppo, one of Syria's largest cities, is predominately controlled by opposition activists and rebel groups fighting against the Assad administration.

The possible reacquisition of Aleppo on the part of the Syrian government would indicate a clear geopolitical advantage of Assad's troops over the Free Syrian Army and other insurgency groups - a scenario that United States military officials aren't willing to take.

And as many of the rebel groups involved in the conflict are continually accusing the Assad government of receiving military support from the Lebanese Shiite Islamist group Hezbollah, tensions between the United States and the Syrian government continue to intensify.

The Syrian Army took control of a UN-monitored crossing in Golan Heights that was a rebel stronghold last Thursday, forcing Austria to withdraw 380 peacekeepers monitoring a ceasefire with the third biggest player in the Syrian conflict - Israel.

The Israeli government shut down parts of Golan Heights following the conquest of the town of Qusair, located just outside of Lebanon, and condemned the Syrian Army's recent actions.

The Israeli government adamantly opposes the Assad administration and its alleged involvement with the Hezbollah, approving legislation aimed at beefing up security in its border with Syria. 

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