Edward Snowden Dad Worried About Son After He's Revealed As NSA Whistleblower

The NSA's secret intelligence program spying on American citizens was revealed by Snowden, and he announced he was the source of the story today.

But now his family is worried about his future as a wanted man on the run from an angry U.S. government.

Lonnie Snowden spoke with ABC News on Sunday, and expressed his concern for his 29-year-old son.

They only last spoke a few months ago at dinner, and Lonnie Snowden said that after finishing the meal they had a nice hug.

Snowden was just an obscure NSA contractor who worked for NSA and CIA contractors like Booz Allen Hamilton. Well, that anonymity as a government contractor fell away yesterday.

That's when Snowden revealed himself as the source for the Guardian's huge headlines about the NSA's network of surveillance including millions of American's phone call information and nonnative's internet activity.

Lonnie was still taking everything in when he spoke with ABC News, and he's awaiting developments in what is likely one of the biggest leaks in United States history.

Snowden told the Guardian the reason he decided to reveal his story was because the United States "granted itself power it is not entitled to" in the form of a "horrifying" spying capability.

"You are not even aware of what is possible. The extent of their capabilities is horrifying," he said. "I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded... That is not something I am willing to support or live under."

Edward Snowden said to the Guardian, "I do not expect to see home again, though that is what I want."

For Snowden's father, Lonnie, hopefully that time comes sooner rather than later.

As for what we know now, Edward Snowden is at large in Hong Kong, which is where he agreed to sit for an interview attempting to explain himself to the Guardian. Here is that interview, and we'll see what next steps he takes as the U.S. attempts to bring him home, but not to see his family.

To stand trial for revealing state secrets. Whether that ever happens remains to be seen, but for now we can only listen to him and ponder the 'Big Brother" state America seems to have become.

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