UFO Sighting: Netherlands Castle Gets An Alien Visit?

Corinne Federer, a supply chain manager for Adidas in Amsterdam, Netherlands, captured an eerie UFO image while shooting at the Muiderslot Castle on May 25, reports The Herald News.

The castle, according to International Design Times, was built in the late 1300's and is now a historical museum.

"Having reviewed the raw files, there's no overt indication that the photos have been manipulated with post-editing software, affirmed former FBI special agent Ben Hansen to The Huffington Post.

"The object's appearance is internally consistent with the rest of the photo. For instance, look at the darker area of the underside of the object compared with the clouds. The shadowing is similar on the underside as well as the lighting on the top of the object and the clouds where the sun is brightest. Having the sun in the frame is helpful because it indicates where shadows should appear. This further supports that the object was photographed 'in-camera' and not added later."

Hansen is also reportedly famous as the lead host of "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files."

According to Christian Today, despite the evidence, some are still skeptical is extra-terrestrial or alien, despite the claim of an S-shaped fin being apparently visible.

"Maybe they're more advanced than we are and they've come by to see what's going on," mused the 43-year-old Federer to Huffington reporter Lee Speigel.

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