'Veep' Episode Recap: 'First Response' Interview Goes From Bad To Worse

"Veep" is back with "First Response," which features the hilarious Allison Janney ("West Wing") as Janet, a reporter doing an in-house interview with Selina and her daughter, Catherine.

Janet is determined to nail Selina with tough questions while Katherine, an aspiring broadcast journalist, is enthralled by Janet's presence. Selina is hoping for a fluff piece.

The interview gets off to a rough start when Janet begins the interview by asking about the Iran hostage situation as Selina is prepared to talk about bells and whistles. Selina warns Janet not to broach any more touchy subjects.

Yeah right.

The second segment of the interview deals with Janet probing about Selina's relationship with Andrew, which comes at a bad time due to a recent email leak from Andrew to a lobbyist claiming to have privileged access to Selina's office.

As Selina's aides learn of this, Janet traps Selina with the question as Andrew arrives for the interview. Selina takes Andrew aside to confront him about terminating their casual sex setup.

As the interview progresses from bad to worse, Jonah announces the government shutdown is over, much to Selina's surprise. Janet notices this and is thoroughly overjoyed at the discovery.

As Amy attempts to negotiate with Janet's supervisor, Dan tells Selina to be "big and bold" to save her spiraling career.

In the final family sit down segment, Andrew and Selina begin to attack each other until Selina admits to knowing about the hostage situation.

Did her final moment of inspiration save her career? Tune in next Sunday for "Veep" ninth episode.

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