Amber Rose Long Hair On Instagram Makes Her Almost Unreognizable [Pics & Video]

The bald dome of Amber Rose has become something of a trademark as the former girlfriend of Kanye West for two years and now Wiz Khalifa's wife, the Amber Rose long hair days have started.

The model who is a year short of 30, posted a selfie on Saturday that shows she's switched up the shorn tresses with a longer, purple mane.

The model added the caption, "Candy yum yum ;)" to the purple self-pic and posted a couple more self shots with the Amber Rose long hair as the main attraction.

To accentuate the look, if you didn't already notice, Amber Rose and her long hair added a bright green, form-fitting dress with hot pink pumps, and a magenta shade of lip stick to accentuate her unusually svelte post-baby body in the second pick.

The caption for the second Amber Rose long hair Instagram pic is simply "Muah :-)" with the full body shot. She's worked hard to get back into shape after giving birth to her son.

Rose is joined by her husband and the father to her baby, Sebastian, who was born back in February this year, in this next pic, which also features Amber Rose's new long hair.

This second pick with emcee Wiz Khalifa, was taken at a Juicy J show in at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, California.

"Me and my Love at Juicy's show :-)" Amber added, stepping out in public with the long hair.

The Amber Rose long hair look comes with the news she's shed 30 lbs. of post-baby weight, and the bright green dress added that slimmed-down figure to the Rose long hair experiment.

As you can see from this interview with her beau in January of 2012, right before she gives birth to Sebastian, she is adding the long hair to a newly taut torso after the rigors of pregnancy had subsided.

The Amber Rose long hair experiment isn't long term, it's a purple wig, but there's no telling what she'll dream up as a new look now that she's a mom.

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