Jodi Arias Shackled Behind Bars: Sheriff Feared Arias Would Try To Escape During Trial

Jodi Arias was shackled at all times during the trial except when she actually testifying in the courtroom. The sheriff recently told media outlets that he was afraid that Jodi Arias, who was convicted of the murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, would try to escape from the courthouse.

The Sheriff complained that Jodi Arias’ shackles were removed during court sessions. Arias was shackled at the ankles and wrists during her transport to and from the courthouse. The handcuffs were removed when she was in the courtroom, so the jurors couldn’t see them. The Sheriff was so afraid that Arias, who was still shackled at the ankles, was going to try to escape that he complained to the judge.

While Jodi was incarcerated she apparently had 14 infractions. Her rap sheet included attacking another inmate and hiding pens on multiple occasions. According to unsealed court documents that were published by AZCentral.comm the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office complained “that Arias should not be allowed to go into the judge’s chambers because of escape risk.”

On Feb. 5, Kirk Nurmi, Jodi Arias’ attorney, said that he was concerned that television cameras were picking up Jodi’s leg shackles. The shackles were never removed during the trial. The website explained, “In-custody defendants wear devices to prevent escapes.” The Sheriff’s office complained on Feb. 6.

Arias was convicted of first-degree murder and extreme cruelty. Aria stabbed Travis Alexander 29 times, shot him in the face and slit his throat from ear to ear. The jury deadlocked on whether or not to give her a life sentence of the death penalty. The retrial of the sentencing phase is set to begin on July 18.

 by Tony Sokol

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