Netherlands UFO Photographer Didn’t Notice She Had Taken A Photo Of Flying Saucer, ‘We Heard Nothing’ She Said

Corinne Federer, the photographer who has gained notoriety for capturing a figure in the sky comparable to a flying saucer, admitted to being surprised to see the strange object when reviewing the images.

Accompanied by her mother last month, Federer, 43, went to the historic Muiderslot Castle in the Netherlands to shoot High Dynamic Range or HDR images of the medieval structure.

"In order to create HDR images, you take three or more exposures -- this one happened to be five -- and you shoot them all at the same time, because you then overlap the images and it gives you the full spectrum of light, which your camera can't capture but your eyes can," Federer told The Huffingon Post in an exclusive interview.

Upon analyzing one of the five-image progressions she noticed the bizarre figure.

"It was a tubular-shaped object that had an S-shaped fin on it. If it had been any type of missile, it would've had multiple fins, but facing the same direction. We heard nothing, it was completely quiet out. The more I flipped through the frames, it was kind of creepy," Federer recalled. "I've been shooting for quite some time and I've seen other stuff in the news, but I've never seen anything [like this] with my own eye."

"I couldn't wait to get home where I could blow it up and see what was really there. I looked at the image information -- at the shutter speed -- and (the object) was blurred at 1/250th of a second, so it had to be going superfast. The object is not in the frame before or after, so it had to be going really, really fast. I was kind of blown away."

Although Federer only adjusted the pictures to clarify the unknown object by increasing the blacks and shadows, there has been speculation on the authenticty of the images. However, experts have confirmed that the images are not altered.

Ben Hansen, a former FBI special agent and host of of Syfy Channel's "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files," weighed in on Muiderslot Castle UFO pictures.

"Having reviewed the raw files, there's no overt indication that the photos have been manipulated with post editing software," he said in an email to The Huffington Post.

Hansen has a personal assessment of what the alleged UFO could be.

"If I had to place my money on it, I would say that we're looking at insects. We typically see many wing protrusions on insect rod cases, but they do come in the single pair variety, too. It all depends on the shutter speeds and motion of the insects."

Granted that Hansen believes what Federer captured was just an insect, the paranormal specialist noticed something else odd while studying the images.

"I found another object. To the right of the sun, we see a slender, almost disk-shaped object that appears to have no protrusions. Hmmm."

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