Amanda Bynes Twitter Bipolar Disorder: Calls Miley Cyrus 'Ugly' Plus Insults Her Dad & Drake Again

The former Nick star that's been making headlines over the last year with outlandish behavior and an even more outlandish Twitter timeline has finally met someone that might be bigger than her on Twitter: Miley Cyrus.

Around 3 a.m. EST this morning, and the time when Amanda Bynes claims she was "hacked," she sent a tweet out claiming that Miley Cyrus was "ugly."

As you can see, Bynes included a picture of Cyrus in her tweet, just in case people didn't know if she was making a mistake with the putdown. She followed that one up by retweeting one of her follower's tweets calling attention to Miley Cyrus without makeup:


Earlier, she had again tweeted at Drake, the man who she wanted to "murder her vagina," and also someone that has never responded to her messages, at least publicly. She called him ugly, yet again, but now seems to find his ugliness attractive.

She also called her dad out for being ugly, but then quickly deleted the tweet.

Miley Cyrus has over 12 million Twitter followers. Amanda Bynes has just short of 2 million. Like the Rihanna insult from earlier in the year when Bynes said she was hacked because she has so many followers, this time she might claim the same. 

For now, the tweet is stil on her timeline as is the re-tweet of another insult involving Cyrus.

Miley Cyrus hasn't responded to the tweets, but she's probably too busy hooking up with Justin Bieber to notice.

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