Chicago Woman Arrested 396 Times Says Her Latest Victim is a Fibber, 'He Lied On Me' She Said

Homeless Chicago woman Shermain Miles who was arrested 396 times claims her most recent victim, Chicago alderman James Cappleman, fabricated certain details of their encounter.

Last August, Miles was arrested for allegedly chasing down Cappleman while hitting and harassing people along Broadway Street in Chicago's Uptown area.

Although the repetitous offender pleaded guilty in court on Monday for the reported attack on Cappleman, she made it apparent that she thinks the victim is being deceitful.

"He lied on me and said I pushed him," said Miles, quoted by the Chicago Sun-Times.

Miles, 51, additionally pleaded guilty to two other cases originating from arrests while she was on parole.  She has been incarcerated since December at Logan Correctional Center in Lincoln, Illinois because of her parole violation.

Under 83 different aliases, Miles has been arrested 396 times since 1978. These arrests include 92 for theft, 65 for disorderly conduct, 59 for prostitution-related crimes, and five for robbery or attempted robbery.  The proclaimed "acutely psychotic" homeless woman with a history of abuse as a child holds 73 convictions.  

According to Cappleman, Miles has been a burden to Chicagoans for a long time.  Ultimately, the alderman wants to "get this woman help, so she is off the streets."

"I'm am tired of this," said Cappleman. "The community is tired of this."

He may get what he wants because Judge Peggy Chiampas who tried the case on Monday offered Miles a plea deal to enter a mental health and substance abuse program.

"All of us are reaching out to you and offering you, maybe for the first time in your life, a hand, OK?"  Judge Chiampas said in court.  "But you've got to reach out and grab all of our hands as well."

Prisoner Review Board chairman Adam Monreal voiced his desire to the Sun-Times for Miles to re-enter society as a upstanding citizen.

 "If we can provide her with the opportunity to get back on the right track," said Monreal, "then that's what we're here for."

However, a day after his statement, prosecutors of the alderman assault case revealed that Miles already participated in a mental health program last year and failed.

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