Amanda Bynes Twitter Rants: After Asking Drake To Murder Her Vagina, Troubled Actress Tweets ‘I Only Like Drake Because He’s So Ugly’

Amanda Bynes’ twitter rampage on the theme of ugliness has yet to stopped. After tweeting a few weeks ago that she wants singer Drake to “murder her vagina,” the embattled actress has labeled him – like everyone else – as “ugly.”

In a tweet Monday, she said, “I only like @Drake because he’s so ugly! His ugly cheeks at the EA conference! Fine he’s not, but he knows he’s ugly! I’ve spoken to him!”

She followed up it up with a tweet attaching the picture of a singer in a party, saying, "Is that an ugly face or what?"

Reinforcing her autonomy to call people names, she then posted, “This is my twitter. I say whatever I want. Thanks!”

Amanda Bynes didn’t stop at insulting her so-called crush. Earlier today, after retweeting a fan’s note to Perez Hilton – whom the former child star had twitter spats with – calling the blogger a “pigton,” she called Miley Cyrus “ugly.”

Included in the message is an image of the “Hannah Montana” star at a red carpet event.

Miley Cyrus’ boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth, was called at one point by Amanda as “the most gorgeous man on earth,” leading many to believed that the “Easy A” star and the Miley’s beau hooked up.

Noah Levy, speaking to VH1, confirmed the rumors saying that “The Hunger Games” actor and the former Nickelodeon child star were seen making out in 2009, with sources saying that they both checked-in at a nearby hotel afterwards.

In what is seemingly a sudden change of tone, Amanda announced that she can’t wait to go on tour, recording her album. Reports indicate that she is interested in having a career in rap.

“I’m so looking forward to recording my album and going on tour! I can’t wait to see you all at my concerts,” she tweeted.

The actress-turned-Twitter sensation primarily for her bizarre behavior and public attacks on high-profile personalities and the media regularly reposts supportive messages of fans.

At the time of this writing, her last action on the information network was a retweet for one of her more than one million followers.

She retweeted user DanChenery2931 message which says, “When @AmandaBynes goes on tour she better come to england,”

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