Miley Cyrus Responds To Justin Beiber Hookup Rumors: "I'm Engaged!" "Just Good Friends"[VIDEO]

Miley Cyrus responds to the rumors of her and Justin Beiber "flirting" confirming she is in fact still engaged to Liam Hemsworth and is just really good freinds with Beiber.

"I'm engaged!" Miley Cyrus said on a radio show when asked about the pictures of her and Justin Beiber hanging out. "I'm engaged, that's impossible."

Guess we know the status of Miley Cyrus's relationship with Liam Hemsworth, then? Miley's engagement is clearly on!

Cyrus and Bieber's interaction on Saturday night was "totally innocent."

Miley was there with friends celebrating her new single and Justin showed up to support her. Miley was dancing around and having the best time with all her friends, including Justin Beiber.

Bieber and Cyrus are reportedly collaborating together, not to mention they have been friends for years, so it's not weird the two would be hanging out.

In the same interview Miley responds to Amanda Bynes attacking her on Twitter.

Yesterday Amanda Bynes called Miley Cyrus ugly on twitter and Miley responds to the ill comments surprisingly very maturely.

"I won't even entertain that thought," Cyrus, 20, said to Hot 99.5 FM D.C. radio show host Kane after being asked to respond to Amanda Bynes. "I think it's all so sad, and I don't want to add any fuel to that fire."

"I was rooting for Amanda's comeback until she started attacking me," Miley added. "I just thought it was hilarious that she mentioned my name the moment I was the worldwide trending topic on Twitter."

Amanda Bynes tweeted Miley Cyrus on Tuesday, saying "ur ugly" with a recent photo of the singer, a week after she tweeted her fiancé Liam Hemsworth saying he's "the most gorgeous man on the face of the earth," sparking rumors that she's on the prowl, again.

Amanda Bynes and Liam Hemsworth hooked up in 2009 before he got together with Miley Cyrus and eventually got engaged, according to VH1 News.

But many critics of Amanda Bynes' recent Twitter wars say the troubled former Nickelodeon star is jealous of Miley Cyrus' skyrocketing singing career - one which is earning recognition within the hip-hop community - and that she is attempting to draw attention to her own career in rap.

Several of Amanda Bynes' followers on Twitter also joined in on the Miley Cyrus "ur ugly" campaign, tweeting several photos of the 20-year-old celeb in her worst-looking moments, making weird faces or caught off guard in candid photos.

The winner of this war is clearly Miley Cyrus who got the guy that Amanda wants, has a thriving singing career, and doesn't feel the need to bash other celebs to feel better.

Way to go Miley!

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