Free Games For Xbox Live Gold Members Include Assassin’s Creed 2 And Halo 3, Nintendo To Release Free-To-Play Games In 2014

E3 2013 is somehow filled with the holiday spirits early, because giants of the gaming industry like Microsoft and Nintendo have promised free games for the users of their consoles. Xbox Live Gold Members will be getting two free games, like Assassin's Creed 2 and Halo 3, per month while Nintendo users should expect free-to-play titles soon.

Engadget reported that Microsoft announced during the first few minutes of their E3 2013 press conference on June 10 that it is giving away two free games for Xbox Live gold members every month. And just yesterday, Nintendo revealed that it is already working on free-to-play games for the owners of Nintendo Wii U and its other gaming consoles, according to a report from WiiUDaily . 

Nintendo's free games will be made available before the end of the fiscal year (March 2014). According to Nintendo, the free game that the company is currently developing is not based on their hit franchises like Mario and Pokemon.

On the other hand, Microsoft's new offering for their Xbox Live Gold Members of two free games per month is somewhat similar to the service of Sony PlayStation Plus, wherein its members pay a monthly free for a rotating lineup of free games.

As the latest perk from Microsoft, Xbox Live Gold members can immediately claim Fable 3 now from the Xbox Live Online Marketplace. The two free games announced during E3 2013, Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed 2, will be available in July, The Verge reported. 

Fans and players of Halo and Assassin's Creed should be excited, as new game trailers for new versions of the games have been revealed during the E3 2013 event. An exclusive Halo title will be made for Xbox One to be released in 2014.

Check out the trailer for what fans are calling 'Halo 5' here:

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