Justin Bieber Twitter Rant To Followers & Fans About New Single ‘Heartbreaker’: Songs Without Selena Gomez [VIDEO]

Justin Bieber Twitter rant to followers and fans about the "Baby" singer's new single "Heartbreaker" has been going on for days, and it seems like Justin Bieber's songs will be written without Selena Gomez by his side.

Justin Bieber Twitter rant about music started a week ago when he first posted on Twitter, saying "going to tell my truth thru music" on June 5. At the time, rumors about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez breakup have already been going around.

One of Justin Bieber's Twitter followers and fans, @AwSexyStyles, responded to Justin Bieber's Twitter rant about music, saying, "you mean, you are gonna tell us why Selena is a heartbreaker lol"

Justin Bieber Twitter posts about his new songs on his upcoming record "Heartbreaker" just kept coming, as he said a few hours later on the same day, "taking a couple days to relax with the guys before i jump back in the studio. this music is coming. WE DONT STOP WORKING."

Justin Bieber Twitter rant showed that the "Believe" singer seemed to be turning his attention away from his rumored ex-girlfriend, Selena Gomez, to be more focused on his new music and new songs.

Justin Bieber Twitter fans were extremely excited for the release of the "Baby" singer's new music, and the 19-year-old teen pop sensation even retweeted Twitter posts by @kidrauhhling and @LegacyBiebs, saying "I can't wait for Justin's new single" and "EXCITED EXCITED! EXCITED FOR NEW MUSIC!!"

Justin Bieber Twitter rant continued as he said "all about the music," "studio, music, friends, sunshine. life is good," "Really focused on this music. #musicjournals #heartbreaker #newsongs," and "Wrote another great song last night. Focused" for the next few days.

Yesterday, Justin Bieber's Twitter rant showed no end, as the pop star again posted, "music music music. i got music. #musicjournals #thoughts." Is Bieber really loving and enjoying his music, or does he really just need an addiction to turn his focus away from Selena Gomez?

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