Justin Bieber 911 Call Audio [LISTEN]: ‘He Was Choking Me To Take My Stuff,’ Bieber Ordered Bodyguards To Threaten Paparazzo With Gun?

Justin Bieber 911 call audio from last week revealed that the 19-year-old "Baby" singer allegedly ordered his bodyguards to choke and physically assault a paparazzo named Jeffrey Binion. The photographer claimed that Justin Bieber's bodyguards even threatened him with a gun, and Binion said he will now be suing Selena Gomez's ex-boyfriend.

Justin Bieber 911 call audio was recorded when paparazzo, Binion, was taking photos of Justin Bieber outside of a recording studio in Miami, called The Hit Factory. While the paparazzo was taking photos, two of Justin Bieber's bodyguards approached Binion.

In the Justin Bieber 911 call audio, Binion exclaimed to the police dispatcher that Justin Bieber's bodyguards physically harassed him and even choked him in order to take his camera and "smash it."

Binion said in the Justin Bieber 911 call audio, saying "I just had some guys harass me. They just assaulted me." Although the police dispatched asked if Binion needed any help or rescue, Binion declined the offer and continued to tell what had happened.

Binion continued to explain, "It's some security guys for Justin Bieber. They just assaulted me. Took my camera, were going to smash it. They took the memory card out of the camera." Binion said in the 911 call that it was Justin Bieber himself who had ordered and instructed his own bodyguards to assault Binion for the camera.

Justin Bieber 911 call audio continued as Binion said that Bieber's bodyguard Hesny "was choking me to take my stuff. They first took the camera. They made me delete the pictures. I deleted them. Then they took the memory card out of my camera, which is like a hundred-dollar card."

According to the paparazzo in his 911 call audio, Justin Bieber's bodyguard also threw Binion against a wall, "began choking [him] and threatened [him] with a gun." Justin Bieber's other bodyguards snatched his camera and removed his expensive memory card from the camera.

Binion's lawyer, Russell Adler, who will be filing a legal suit against Justin Bieber, said that the star needed to "grow up and realize he can't do these things, even if he's a superstar."

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