Lindsay Lohan Drug Bust At Rehab Revealed! Leaves Betty Ford And Transfers to Cliffside Rehab Center For Remainder[VIDEO]

Lindsay Lohan leaves the the Betty Ford rehab treatment center for a drug bust at the rehab. The drug bust apprarently did not involve Lindsay Lohan and she was transferred to the Cliffside rehab center in Malibu. Lindsay has wanted to leave The Betty Ford rehab for a while and the drug bust was just the ticket Lohan needed.

Some other patient at Betty Ford (not Lindsay) smuggled in drugs and Lindsay snitched on her! "Someone smuggled drugs in on a visit and patients were relapsing. Not Lindsay, she tested negative," says father of the year(laugh) Michael Lohan.

Apparently Lindsay told Betty Ford staffers about the smuggled drugs which ended in a big drug bust and one of the rehab employees getting fired.

The remainder of Lindsay Lohan's 90 day rehab stay will be at the Cliffside rehab center in Malibu.

Lindsay gave a revealing interview to Piers Morgan several weeks before committing herself to court-ordered rehab.  Lohan denies being addicted to drugs and says that she had used cocaine only "four or five times in her life." She also calls rehab "a joke," saying that far more effective "would be to make me go abroad to different countries and work with children."

Lindsay Lohan, the troubled 26-year-old actress who was forced to check into rehab at The Betty Ford Clinic, has always wanted to leave the facility because doctors have taken away her supply of Adderall. And the drug bust has granted Lindsay her wish.

No word yet if Lindsay will be allowed to take Adderall at the Cliffside rehab center.

Lohan was previously told she would be allowed to take the prescription drug Adderall at the Betty Ford Clinic to treat her Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Lohan had previously requested permission to take her medication while at rehab in early April but was denied the request.  She has already persuaded the facility to let her smoke cigarettes as well.

As a court order, Lindsay has to attend rehab for 90 days or there will be a warrant out for her arrest.

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