Super Smash Bros. 4 Unleashes Mega Man And Animal Crossing's Villager At E3, New Non-Nintendo Characters Will Have to Wait

Along with other E3 news, one of Nintendo's biggest hitter, Super Smash Bros. 4, unleashed two new playable characters in the form of Animal Crossing's Villager and Mega Man, with a Wii U and 3DS version due out in 2014.

At E3's Nintendo Direct, Mega Man was introduced with his Mega Buster and his robot dog, Rush. Meanwhile, Villager can use its natural abilities such as trapping enemies with Pitfall Seeds and cutting down trees.

According to Design & Trend, the latest Super Smash Bros. entry will not include new non-Nintendo characters.

"I think Snake and Sonic joining were fantastic. It made many fans happy, and it broadened the Smash Bros arena," admitted franchise creator Masahiro Sakurai.

"However, introducing more non-Nintendo characters willy-nilly will lose the focus of the game, so I also recognize the need to narrow it down."

In addition, gameplay will remain mostly intact with little to no additions, despite the Wii U and 3DS console upgrades.

"The game system itself is complete, so we don't want to make it 3D or introduce complicated controls just for the sake of it."

"However, I am thinking of ways we can introduce a slightly different, fun experience all the while keeping the usual frantic game play."

Super Smash Bros. 4 will also see the return of many characters who are staples of the franchise, including Mario, Samus, Fox, Link, Pikachu, Pit, Bowser, Donkey Kong, and Kirby, reported Latin Times.

Stay tuned to see what other playable characters will be confirmed prior to the release.

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