Two-Faced Kitten In Good Health After Initial Exams: Owner Hopes To Break Guinness Record Of Janus Cat Lifespan

Deucy, a two-faced kitten born on June 11 at 6:11 in the morning in Amity, Oregon, has survived the first few days in good health, according to local veterinarian.

"The kids came in and said, 'Mom there's a kitty with two heads," recounted Deucy's owner Stephanie Durkee.

"And I said, 'I think you guys are just tired, you're crazy, that doesn't happen."

Two-faced cats, also known as Janus cats, are reportedly extremely rare and often kittens born die shortly after birth due to health complications.

According to Christian Post, another two-faced cat last, appropriately named Harvey Dent, died two days after birth.

But after taking the two-faced feline to a local veterinarian, it was determined that the kitten's organs are functioning normally.

Since her birth, Deucy's mother has rejected her and Durkee has been feeding her kitten formula with a syringe, according to Yahoo! News.

With the Guinness Book of World Records lifespan for Janus cats being 12 years old, perhaps Deucy is on her way to breaking that record.

Watch a clip with the two-faced kitten here.

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