Amanda Bynes Twitter Apology To Drake: Wants To Be Friends But May Actually Be In Love

Amanda Bynes' Twitter feed  just had a reversal on Candian hip hop star, Drake. After calling him ugly and "fugly" earlier in the week, now Bynes says she's sorry about her Drake Tweets.

The former Disney star, Bynes, has had a tumultuous--not to mention one-sided--relationship with Drake over Twitter.

So far, Drake has refused to take the bait from Bynes, even as she repeatedly either calls him ugly, or worse.

But it seems like Bynes is just looking to be friends with the rapper, or when we dive deeper into Amanda's Twitter feed, we see she may want even more from Drake.

A couple hours ago, in the early Friday morn, Bynes tweeted at Drake: "I'm sorry about the tweets I said about @drake I didn't mean what I said. I hope to become friends with him instead of smashing him!"

But it appears like Bynes' earlier tweets were leading up to this apology for Drake, and she might actually be in love with Drizzy. A couple hours before her Drake tweet, still in the early Friday morning when most people in the East Coast have long since gone to bed, Bynes tweets: "Everybody's made for someone. You're lucky if you find them or they find you."

And an hour earlier than that, she wrote a confession of sorts: "You know you're in love with someone when you don't want to go a minute without talking to them or seeing them."

If you've been following the Amanda Bynes Drake drama, this Bynes tweet very well be about the "Take Care," rapper and former Degrassi actor. 

First she asked him to "murder her p---y" then recanted and called him ugly. Then, attacked Miley Cyrus, her dad and Drake before repudiating those aggresive tweets as well.

We know Amanda Bynes has a hard time making up her mind, but she seems to be in love with Drake and so it stands to reason she will continue to attack him, then apologize, until he responds. 

We wish the two former child actors well and hope Bynes can own up to her conflicting feelings about Drake. We know she's probably in love with the "Nothing Was the Same" emcee.

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