Halo 5 Release Date Won't Be Until Next Year, But Higher Frame Rate Will Make Full Use Of Xbox One

While the next Halo game set to be released for Xbox One next year, the title, tentatively titled Halo 5, will make full use of the hardware while remaining true to the franchise, promises executive producer Dan Ayoub.

"I don't think that evolution is over," says Ayoub to the Official Xbox Magazine.

"You're going to continue to see innovations from us in multiplayer, so what I would say to that is: keep watching."

As projected by Techi News, fans will watch the upcoming title in a higher frame rate, with 60 frames per second.

During the E3 Expo, 343 Industries "wanted to show some technical details. The investment with the engine on Xbox One, 60FPS, really using the cloud and dedicated servers, they're all points we wanted people to know that we're really investing in the franchise."

But don't ask about the official title of what is technically Halo 5.

"We haven't named the game yet. It was just purely, 'Halo is coming', and we wanted to give it a date," says Microsoft's Phil Spencer.

"This was just more about confirming that 343 are making a real Halo game, a first person shooter, coming in 2014."

So despite being the first title to be announced by Microsoft, the industry and fans will have to wait a bit longer for more details on the Xbox One title.

"We have a lot of very cool ideas for things that we're going to do in the future, obviously that I can't talk about right now," said the sheepish Ayoub.

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