Fallout 4 Release Date Rumors: Should Fans Expect A 2014 Launch Even If It Is A No-Show At E3 2013?

No Fallout 4 release date rumors were confirmed nor dispute during the E3 2013 As Bethesda kept mum about it.

There was no information revealed by Bethesda Game Studios about Fallout 4 release date, or anything about the game at all. Before E3 2013, a lot of Fallout 4 release date rumors were spreading online especially when there was a Swedish retail site created a page for the game. The page does not have any cover art or product description for Fallout 4, but still, it created an online stir from fans.

Fallout 4 release date rumors say it is set on 2014, well, that it according to the 'leak' from the Swedish retail site. iDigitalTimes reports that the Fallout 4 release date from the site seems 'fairly legit', because WebHallen.com, the Swedish retailer have already listed unannounced game titles on their website.

Though it looks legitimate enough, this alleged leak could also be considered weak with its vague information that the Fallout 4 release date is 2014, without even mentioning a month or which quarter of the year at all. There is also a caption from the page that says "price, images, product description and release date are preliminary and subject to change."

Furthermore, Bethesda Game Studios have been talking about new and other games aside from Fallout 4. From an article from iDigitaltimes, it was reported that Bethesda is working on the Elder Scrolls Online, Oblivion and a new game they referred to as Skyrim. But with its next generation game, Fallout 4, the game studio is still silent about it. 

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