Dog Saves Trainers' Lives In New York City: Video Of Saving Shows The Dog's Heroism [VIDEO]

Dog saves trainers' lives from an oncoming car on Monday as the 18-month-old Labrador retriever named O'Neil was a guide dog in training while it saved their lives.

The dog saves trainers' lives in New York City when there was a car heading toward their direction. A video shows that the dog saves trainers' lives as it alerts one of the trainers behind him that a car was coming. At the same time, O'Neil pulled the other trainer to safety.

It was an exercise in which one of the trainers was blindfolded as the dog saves trainers' lives from a 93-year-old woman who was driving the car. She barely missed the guide dog and his two trainers, and then proceeded to crash into a nearby building, the New York Daily News reported.

The 93-year-old woman was not injured, but police are still investigating the crash. She reportedly lost control while trying to parallel park.

This exercise was taking place on the sidewalk as O'Neil notices the car on the sidewalk, in reverse, heading right at the dog and the trainers. When O'Neil noticed the car, it was able to help get the two trainers to safety by rounding the corner right in front of them. The woman in the car sped right past them, avoiding cars on the road as she crashed into the building across the street.

"Even from Day One he was special," Alvarado said about O'Neil in the Daily News.

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