Dunkin Donuts Rant Backfires: Watch And Listen To The Rant Here [VIDEO]

Dunkin Donuts rant backfires as a customer at a Florida Dunkin Donuts uploaded a video about her rant for not receiving a receipt for a previous order.

The Dunkin Donuts rant backfires for 27-year-old Taylor Chapman who is a resident of Broward County, Fla. Her rant was because if a customer doesn't get a receipt, they're supposed to get free food, but the policy stated that if a customer does not receive their receipt, then they will receive a refund of their purchase.

This Dunkin Donuts rant backfires after the remarks she had toward the employees at this Dunkin Donuts in Fort Lauderdale. The video shows her inside the store as she recorded the encounter.

"This girl was so f**king rude to me and said 'OK will you can get your order free next time,' So you know what I told her, I said 'I want the whole fucking menu b**ch, twice,'" Chapman said in the video. "A guarantee is a guarantee and I've already called my lawyer and he is already on it."

Chapman then said after she was allegedly insulted by the employee and responded by saying, "You think you all are tough big fat Arabs bombing the Trade Center? I'll show you tough," Chapman adds in the video.

Dunkin' Donuts spokeswoman Jessica Gioglio said in a statement that the company was proud of the store's employees for the way they handled the ugly incident, according to the New York Daily News.

"We are aware of the video and the situation that occurred at the Dunkin' Donuts restaurant located in Fort Lauderdale," Gioglio said. "We commend the franchisee's crew member for handling this difficult situation with grace and patience. We believe this is a powerful example of great customer service and the respect our crew members have for our guests."

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