Kim Kardashian Baby Bump Pics Sidelined as Kim Kardashian Sexiest Photos Go up on Instagram

Kim Kardashian wants to remind the world that before she was known for that Kim Kardashian baby bump, she was celebrated for her other curves. Kim Kardashian curves were celebrated as the eight-month pregnant reality star put up some of her old swimsuit shots up on Instagram as Kim Kardashian baby due date gets near.

Kim Kardashian due date is coming up. It was unveiled recently that the Kim Kardashian due date is the same as the Kate Middleton due date. Bill Maher last night said that this was obviously a sign of the apocalypse. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have spent the week in the news over an alleged affair that Kanye had with a Canadian model. Maybe Kim Kardashian put the swimsuit shots up to remind Kanye and the world that she was as hot as any model.

This isn't the first time Kim took to Instagram to remind the world what she used to look like. Kardashian posted pix of her "Dancing with the Stars" days in March, writing "#IWasSoooooSkinny." Kim has been looking fine and staying stylish even at 8-months pregnant but she misses her pre-baby body, so she put up a series of #ThrowbackThursday photos on Instagram yesterday. She wrote on one of the photos that she couldn’t wait to go back to Cabo.

The reality star has a natural flair for keeping herself on the minds of men. She was accused of being a “sexual hypnotist.” Back in Febrary, the rapper Ray J, claims the sexy heiress used supernatural forces to get him to sleep with her. Ray J and Kim Kardashian co-starred in a sex tape. He put out a book saying that Kardashian had him “seriously hypnotized.”

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