Why Paris Jackson Thinks Justin Bieber Is A 'Disgrace' And Is Bieber Getting Back Together With Selena Gomez?

Selena Gomez's mom welcomed a baby daughter into the world last week, and Justin Bieber reached out to congratulate the family despite his split with Gomez.

Plus, why does Paris Jackson hate Justin Bieber?

HollywoodLife.com reports that Justin Bieber reached out to Selena Gomez as she welcomed a baby sister into her family this weekend.

"Justin knows the joy of younger siblings and is very happy for Selena and her Mom. He wished Selena the best and is working on getting a gift," says the source.

Despite Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber breaking up, the titular Canadian pop star might be back in the Springbreaker stars good graces after showing support for her mom, Mandy Teefey, 37, who welcomed a daughter on June 12.

If Selena is OK with it, Bieber will be sending her mom some flowers to welcome their daughter to the family.

But it wasn't all cheery optimism for Bieber this weekend.

The embattled daughter of Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson, who attempted suicide a couple weeks ago after not being allowed to attend a Marilyn Manson concert, doesn't think Bieber is a very good role model to young women.

Paris had reportedly slit her wrists and consumed 20 Motrin and is currently at the UCLA medical center under supervision.

Sources revealed to TMZ that Paris thinks Bieber is a terrible role model for young girls.

She reportedly became annoyed after some of the Baby singer's fans tweeted about cutting themselves to express their love for him and he didn't speak up against the practice.

Paris also became angry after pictures popped up showing the 19-year-old Bieber smoking weed earlier this year. The Sources claim that Paris thinks Bieber needs to be a better role model.

The sources summarized Paris Jackson's thoughts when they said that Paris thinks that Bieber's various missteps are a "disgrace".

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