Oscar Pistorius Case Update: Blade Runner Excluded From Paralympic Team Of South Africa, Misses First Major Meet Since Murder

Oscar Pistorius will not be participating at the Paralympic world championships, as he has been left off South Africa’s track team for the games, the Associated Press reports.

South Africa selected 32 athletes Thursday for the event next month in France.

The decision from his home country marks the first major meet that Pistorius will miss as he prepares for his murder trial in the Valentine’s Day shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

The former paralympian was charged with premeditated murder in the death of Reeva Steenkamp.

Oscar Pistorius will return to court on August 19, a day after the able-bodied world championships end in Moscow, in which he wanted to compete, according to the Associated Press.

The double-amputee runner has dropped out of all competition to focus on his trial. He denies the murder charge, saying he thought Steenkamp was a burglar.

Last week, U.K's The Mirror reported that the defense team of Oscar Pistorius is using a a letter by his girlfriend as key evidence, which they say backs up the claim of the athlete.

In 2008, Reeva Steenkamp went public about her fear of violent intruders in her neighborhood, the Sunday People of the U.K. revealed. She recounted a terrorizing experience she had when their home in Port Elizabeth was ransacked by robbers that year.

She wrote in a letter titled, “Violent attack by intruders brings home increasing crime rate,” that she and her mother were “robbed after the thieves ripped the wood, glass, and burglar bars from the walls.”

“Their attack was violent and they carried on with a complete disregard for our presence,” Reeva added in the letter.

The model warned families and asked that they take extra safety measures.

“Families need to remain behind locked doors late at night. Lock all inter-leading doors and be vigilant at all times. It is a very sad thought that we must now live like this. The reality is that these criminals are here to stay.” According to The Mirror, it is believed that the letter will be used by the double-amputee athlete’s defense lawyers as a key evidence.

It is in line with Oscar’s consistent story that he shot Reeva Steenkamp through the bathroom door, out of fear, and thinking she was a burglar.

The South African sport hero’s lawyers say that the letter shows the couple shared their fears of violent raiders.

Oscar Pistorius's scheduled appearance in court on August is the same day as Reeva Steenkamp’s birthday. She would have been 30.

Many believe that the trial will be postponed, as prosecutors may request more time for investigation.

The official murder trial of the accused athlete may begin early 2014.

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