TRENDZ Members Get Candid On How Unity & Support Fuel Their Triumph For 3rd Single Album STILL ON MY WAY

In a world obsessed with individualism, K-pop sensation TRENDZ is breaking the mold and showcasing the power of unity in their latest reveal.

In a recent roundtable discussion centered around their 3rd single album, 'STILL ON MY WAY,' TRENDZ members got candid about how they navigate challenges and find the motivation to keep pushing forward.

Hankook's Candid Confession: How Bandmate Support Keeps TRENDZ's Leader Motivated

The burning question on everyone's mind was, "When you're faced with obstacles that seem insurmountable, how do you overcome them and stay motivated?"

TRENDZ's leader, Hankook, dropped some truth bombs that shattered the stereotype of the unshakable leader.

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Hankook revealed that his secret weapon in overcoming adversity is none other than the unwavering support of his bandmates.

"When I encounter challenges or hit a low point, I turn to my close-knit team, especially the members I spend so much time with.

Even though I'm the team's leader, I often seek advice and guidance from my fellow members. We're there to support and motivate each other through the toughest of times, as well as celebrate the uplifting moments.

That's what keeps me going.”

—TRENZ Hankook

He continued, " It's a revelation that peels back the curtain on the dynamic that propels TRENDZ to success.”

Inside 'MY WAY': TRENDZ Yeechan & ra.L Reflect on the Resilience in Their Music

As Hankook discussed seeking support from his fellow members, Yeechan and ra.L delved into their contribution to the song "MY WAY."

READ ALSO: TRENDZ Comes Back With Their 3rd Single Album 'STILL ON MY WAY'

The question directed at Yeechan and ra.L was particularly intriguing: "You participated in writing 'MY WAY.' What is the message you want to tell FRIENDZs through the lyrics?"

Yeechan was the first to offer his perspective, shedding light on the song's underlying message.

He emphasized:

"As the message of the album is very hopeful, urging the listeners to come with us, we aimed to convey a similar message in 'MY WAY,' expressing our determination to overcome any difficulties or barriers that stand in our way.

Therefore, we focused on writing lyrics that are very hopeful and optimistic."

This revelation beautifully aligns with the overarching theme of their work, promoting a sense of hope and unity.

ra.L, complementing Yeechan's response, added his own perspective on the essence of "MY WAY."

"To add, the essence of 'MY WAY' is the determination to persist on our chosen path, undeterred by obstacles and challenges. So we tried to convey the message that, despite the pain, our youthful spirit will help us triumph over any difficulties."

—-TRENZ ra.L

As the members of TRENDZ continue their journey, we can expect their music to serve as a guiding light for their FRIENDZs, offering unwavering support and motivation in the face of adversity.

Their message is clear: obstacles may appear in life, but with hope, determination, and unity, we can overcome them and find our own "MY WAY."


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Madison Cullen wrote this. 

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