Taylor Swift's Twitter Joke On Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Writing: 'Beyonce Had One Of the Best Labors Of All Time' May Be Real

Kanye West famously went onstage to claim that Beyoncé should have won the MTV Best Female Video after Taylor Swift took home the award.

After Kim Kardashian gave premature birth to Kanye West's daugher, Swift had some fun at Kanye's expense and it stil might be true despite a lot of outlets claiming it's false.

On Saturday, Kim Kardashian went into labor a month early, but ended up giving birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And while most of celebrity Twitter wished the proud parents luck and congratulated them on having a girl, Taylor Swift decided to have some fun, and sent out a Tweet that has now been deleted.

In the tweeet, Taylor wrote: "@KimKardashian @KanyeWest Yo I'm happy for you and imma let you finish but Beyonce had one of the best labors of all time."

The wording for the tweet was a direct copy of Kanye's imfamous MTV Music Video Awards rant after Swift won for Best Female Video for "You Belong With Me" in 2009.

Here's video of Kanye ruining Taylor Swift's big moment and embarrassing a stunned Beyoncé at the same time.

You'll notice that Taylor Swift used the exact same language in her tweet as Kanye did after grabbing her VMA award.

Recently in a much-publicized interview with the New York Times, Kanye said he didn't have any regrets even for the stage grab he did on Beyonce's behalf, angering most watchers on TV and most in attendance.

Here's a transcript of that portion of Kanye's chat with the New York Times' Jon Caramanica:

NY Times: "But has that instinct led you astray? Like the Taylor Swift interruption at the MTV Video Music Awards, things like that."

Kanye: "It’s only led me to complete awesomeness at all times. It’s only led me to awesome truth and awesomeness. Beauty, truth, awesomeness. That’s all it is. I don’t have one regret."

NY Times: "Do you believe in the concept of regret?"

If anyone’s reading this waiting for some type of full-on, flat apology for anything, they should just stop reading right now.

NY Times: "But that is something that you apologized for."

Kanye: "Yeah, I think that I have like, faltered, you know, as a human. My message isn’t perfectly defined. I have, as a human being, fallen to peer pressure.

NY Times: "So that was a situation in which you gave in to peer pressure to apologize?"

Kanye: "Yeah."

Many outlets are claiming the tweet is a fake because it can't be found on Taylor's Twitter timeline, but it would have been really easy for Taylor to just delete the Tweet. Which means it's possible she actually wrote the insulting tweet.

So what do you think? Did she really diss Kanye and Kim Kardashian by tweeting this, or is it an extremely well done Photoshop?

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