'Feminist Taylor Swift' Creator Says 'I'm Not The Only One Out There Feeling This Discomfort With Taylor Swift Lyrics'

Taylor Swift's soul-crushing lyrics have had twee girls turn out in droves to purchase her albums. And her Twitter account is similar, but one ingenius fan decided to juxtapose Swift lyrics with feminist talking points.

Feminist Taylor Swift was born.

The Washington Post spoke with the creator of Feminist Taylor Swift Twitter account, Clara Beyer.

During the interview Beyer attempted to explain the motivation behind the account.

Beyer said it couldn't have been Beyonce or Daft Punk, Feminist Taylor Swift "says to me that I'm not the only one out there who is feeling this discomfort with Taylor Swift lyrics," she said by phone.

Since going live on June 12, the account has accrued over 75,000 followers in the ensuing 5 days with sites like Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post calling attention to Beyer's tweets.

Beyer's partner in crime, classmate Kevin Carty (they both attend Brown University) told the Post ""People know Taylor Swift lyrics," Beyer says. "Even if they don't want to, they know them," and "both believe in bringing more people into feminism and gender-critical conversations."

The 20-year-old Carty continued by saying "And the easiest ways to do that are to engage them with things they're already into in their daily lives," such as Taylor Swift's pop lyrics.

Beyer still enjoys listening to Taylor Swift's music, but says "A lot of the songs are either 'I used to have a boy and I was happy, and now I don't and now I'm sad' or 'if I had a boy, I would be happy.'"

Here are a couple examples of the most recent Feminist Taylor Swift tweets:

According to the Feminist Taylor Swift creator, Beyer, zhe says the worst offenders of this unenlightened Swift purview are: "Better than Revenge," where Swift bashes her ex-boyfrirnd's new girlfriend by alluding to her being slutty and promiscuous.

Also, "You Belong With Me" and "Fifteen" both challenge the feminist precepts of contemporary women in America.

Beyer hopes that Taylor Swift has a feminist moment of enlightenment and her new songs are stronger and more pro female empowerment:

"I wish Taylor Swift would just have a big feminist enlightenment moment in her life. I could listen to her songs and feel so much more secure about what I was endorsing.

"[She] could be a poster child for feminism, if she wanted to. She could take everything she's doing and say: 'I'm a woman who is in charge of her life. I don't let men in my life push me around.' "

So far, there has been nothing from Taylor Swift's camp about the Twitter account. Beyer herself wants to know what the response will be.

She finished the interview with the Washington Post by saying "I can take a joke. Can Taylor? I don't know. We'll see."

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