Angelina Jolie Wants Gene Mutation Test Available For All Women, Brad Pitt Says

Angelina Jolie had access to the test for the BRCA gene mutation, which greatly increased her risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer, and when she discovered she had the gene she decided to preventively undergo a double mastectomy. Now Brad Pitt is saying that Angelina wants every woman to have access to the test as well, E! Online reports.

Brad Pitt said on Good Morning America on Monday that his fiancé's "focus now is just to make sure all people have access to the [genetic] testing and know what they can do about it."

"We were really surprised and moved how many other people were dealing with the same issue," Pitt said, who was recently touring the world premiering his new film "World War Z."

"Her idea was that someone could learn from her story - she would love to share that. It's just been a beautiful thing to watch," he added.

Pitt also called the test "empowering" for women, and that they shouldn't shy away from the test.

"And she has certainly shown if you do your research and make your decision, what's best for you, it doesn't have to be a scary thing," Pitt said.

Due to a lack of healthcare and the high price of the test - which can range from $3,000 to $4,000, according to the Business Insider Australia - many women may not have the resources or access to the test. For A-list celebrities likes Pitt and Jolie, the cost is small change. But for ordinary women, the price of this life-saving test is out of reach.

Luckily, Jolie healed from her surgery without any complications. It's "business as usual," Pitt assured.

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Angelina Jolie
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