Carjack "Messed With The Wrong Witch" Texas Mother Fights Him Off To Protect Her Kids And Runs Carjacker Over!

 A brave Texas mother protects her children by fighting off a carjacker and proceeding to run him over. The carjacker threatened her children with a knife and the Texas mother protected them by fighting him off and then runs him over "so he wouldn't hurt anyone else."

 The carjacker was waiting in the Texas woman's car at a CVS threatening her kids and forced her by knife to take out money at an ATM. To protect her kids, the woman took the knife from the man and swerved off the road to confuse the carjacker.

The scared carjacker gave up on his scheme to run off, but not before the brave Texas woman began to run him over.  

 "I thought, 'If you swerve and hit the pole, he's not wearing a seatbelt, he'll go through the windshield or at least hit his head, and you can stop him. You can do something to make sure that he doesn't hurt your kids,'" Dorothy Baker-Flugence said. "That's all I was thinking of really, was just to get him away from my kids."

 "I didn't mean to run him over," she said. "I was just trying to stop him so he didn't hurt anybody else."

 The carjacker was airlifted to Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston with serious injuries after the alleged attack. He is expected to face felony charges once he is discharged.

Meanwhile, Baytown residents have rallied around the woman's bravery.

"She was trying to protect herself and her kids. I would do the same thing," resident Joyce Sparks said.

But the Texas woman said she is just glad her family is safe.

"You don't come after people with kids," she said. "I told him he messed with the wrong witch."

You go girl!

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